Remaining a family just takes some time!
Sven Eberlein - guitarist, songwriter, wordsmith, stargazer
From the early punk rock days in the underground bomb shelters of Germany the kid knew that life this time around couldn’t possibly turn out conventional – too many Y’s in the equation to live within the suggested parameter.
One way ticket to America, gateway to new horizons, empire of innovation and exploitation – immerse yourself entirely into another culture, to see and experience the world through someone else’s eyes. Find the key to compassion and open the kid’s mind.
On to India, land of acceptance and clarity. Step outside the maze of concrete and obligation, deconstruct the scaffold that is cluttered around the soul and become the cosmic messenger who’s been waiting to be released – be here now, loving and kind, trust yourself and you will be trusted.
Transcending to the nation of music, the kid had now gathered enough information to accept the Y’s as essential ingredients to a successful journey – the answer lies in the question. No matter what, music will always be there as the most powerful force of expansion, a state in times of separation and a connection in times of confusion.
When the kid woke up he realized he had been on a musical journey to the other end of the world. From the rages of punk to the riches of jazz to the roots of Malagasy folk, his songs and his spirit had found a home with the birth of Chemystry Set. No longer did he have to escape the parameter, but he could now walk on the diameter.
Sven mixes music, politics, spirituality and activism into an ongoing quest for a life path that makes sense and a difference.
– Kirstin Miller, Psychic Reader
Read Sven’s musings at his blog, A World of Words.
Baba Ndjhoni - Mandolins, Bass, Vocals, Songwriter
Hewn from a lineage of American excellence, Baba Ndjhoni is born John White in the cultural constraint of the East Bay ‘burbs. He is a creative amoeba waiting to happen. The lifelong pursuit of upward mobility is the compelling destiny of his generation, but John is not one to run that race.
His thirst is for the rhythm of the world, and he is not in a hurry. He embarks on a life-changing journey to Zaire, where sweet music brings joy and peace, even in times of great pain.
It is in Zaire that John White becomes the Baba Ndjhoni of now.
Full of soulful energy, Baba returns home, assaulted by the painful cacophony of America. Is it possible to find his beloved rhythm here? Baba does not flee, but chooses to build a legacy of family and music that is all his own. His goal is not virtuosity or fame, but a true balance of all that brings him joy.
Depend upon his open mind, embrace his simplicity, understand his angst, and sing his song… Welcome – you have found the community of Baba Ndjhoni.
Baba drives a biodiesel wagon & is an active member of the Berkeley Biodiesel Collective.
Joel Oppenheimer - electric & upright bassist, smooth talker, treehugger
Got some ducttape for your shoe
A stick of Wrigley’s for you to chew
Got some air to fill the wings of a dove
Got some peace in the house of love
Got an album of smooth Jazz tunes
that takes you higher than big balloons
Got an anchor you can throw in the sea
The ease to yank it when you want to be free
Dickie Ogden - drummer, producer, genius, syrup maker
Dickie was born on June 18, 1970 at 7:10pm at South Western Vermont Medical Center in Bennington, Vt. At that time it was just called Bennington Hospital. Scrawney little rascal but such a good baby. The first time his Grandmother ever changed his diaper he pooped in her hand. Now if that isn’t bonding I don’t know what is.
– Pam Ogden
The Chemystry Set Wall of Fame
Amstock Crew – Producer, Nature, Inspiration Anja Krombholz – Artist, Designer Avidan Rose – Percussions, Vibraphone, Handsonic Drum Ben Harris – Trumpet Bob Athayde – Piano Brett Galimidi – Photographer, Fan Brian Fishler – Drums Carolyn White – Love & Support Carson Ogden – Drummer Dan Heffez – Alto Sax Dave Jacobson – Keyboards Debra Baida – Photographer

Evelyn Terranova – Painter Ginger Thimlar – Vocals Greg Carney – Guitars Jason Hansen – Drums Jefferson White – Piano & Bathtub Joe Balestreri – Trumpet Kat Coldren – Inspiration, Fan Krystle Jones – Vocals Lisa Stadlen – Flute Maggie White – Communications Mark Sand – Drums Matt Ritchie – Artist Mica Tellez – Answering Machine Nathaniel Hawkes – Horn Arrangements Nicole Polisner – Flute

Oliver DiCicco – Engineer, Grumpy Genius Paul Hanson – Bassoon Randy Lyman – Everything & Nothing Rich Doucette – Esraj Sarah Olson – Manager Scott Coldren – Feedback, Fan Scott Johnston – Soprano Sax Soji Odukogbe – Guitar Steven Forrest – Astro Talk The Tominator – Road Manager, Pretzel Supplier Tony Idarola (RIP) – Multimedia & Binaural Audio Wendy Rogell – Artist, Designer, Fan